
موسسه آموزش عالی تابران

(غیر دولتی - غیر انتفاعی)

جلسات دفاع از پایان نامه دانشجویان کارشناسی ارشد زبان انگلیسی در سال 1403


جلسات دفاع در اتاق شورا، طبقه چهارم ساختمان مرکزی دانشگاه برگزار می گردد.

حضور علاقه مندان به صورت میهمان در جلسه بلامانع است.

نام و نام خانوادگی دانشجو عنوان پایان نامه استاد راهنما زمان دفاع
تاریخ روز ساعت
میثم رضایی On the Effect of Employing Artificial Intelligence on Iranian EFL Pre-Intermediate Learner’s English Structure Achievement: A Case of Chat GPT دکتر حمیدرضا کارگزاری 1403/06/19 دوشنبه 10
سمانه خوش اندام On the Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers’ Introvert/Extrovert Traits and their Coping Strategies دکتر حمیدرضا کارگزاری 1403/06/19 دوشنبه 9
منصوره صفائی On the Effect of Using Peer Feedback on Iranian EFL 9th Graders Speaking Performance دکتر حمیدرضا کارگزاری 1403/06/19 دوشنبه 8

ساناز قادری سنگانی

On the Relationship between Iranian EFL Advanced Students’ Big Five Personality Traits and Their Mental Lexicon

دکتر مونا طباطبایی




حانیه یگانه دوست

On the Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers’ Computer, Information and Multimedia Literacy and their Online Teaching Satisfaction

دکتر سارا کاظمی



9 صبح

ندا اله دادی پایهان On the Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers’ Use of Soft Skills and Their Professional Identity دکتر خلیل مطلّب زاده 1403/05/28 یک‌شنبه 11
امین اعتصام On the Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers’ Teaching Style and their Level of Job Satisfaction دکتر حسنی حسینی 1403/05/28 یک‌شنبه 10
مسعود مرادی Dubbed vs. Subtitled Adapted English Movies: A Comparative Study of Shift Strategy based on Vinay and Darbelnet’s Model دکتر محمدرضا رستگار مقدم 1403/03/29 سه‌شنبه شنبه 10
مینو صالحی Comparative and Gender Analysis of Cultural Specific-Items in Two Persian Translations of Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms دکتر محمدرضا ارغیانی 1403/03/29 سشنبه شنبه 9
امیرمحمد جمالی

On the Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers’ Teaching Styles and their Perception of Professional Ethics

دکتر حمیدرضا کارگزاری 1403/03/26 شنبه 9
مینا آذرخش

A Review of Jung's reading in the works of Doris Lessing(Case study: The Golden Notebook and The Grass is Singing)

دکتر محمدرضا روحانی منش 1402/12/02 چهارشنبه 12
گلی فتح الله پور On the Relationship Between Iranian EFL Teachers’ Professional Identity and Their Coping Strategies دکتر حمیدرضا کارگزاری 1402/12/02 چهارشنبه 11
محمدحسین عظیم زاده An Investigation in Transcreation and Translation of Children's Book Titles دکتر حمیدرضا کارگزاری 1402/12/02 چهارشنبه 10
مرضیه ظهور The Analysis of Translation Strategies Applied in Subtitling of Slang Expressions in Action and Adventure Movies: A Case of Deadpool Movie دکتر آیناز سامیر 1402/12/02 چهارشنبه 9
سمیّه قرائی Exploring the Translation Strategies of Taboos in Subtitled and Dubbed English Crime Movies into Persian دکتر آیناز سامیر 1402/10/20 چهارشنبه 10
محدثه علیپور On the Relationship between Iranian ELT Teachers’ Challenges Faced in Online Classes and their Sense of Technophobia دکتر آیناز سامیر 1402/10/20 چهارشنبه 9
محمد حسن زاده
 Translation Strategies in Subtitling of Taboo words in Two Selected American Crime Movies: Alpha Dog and Straight Outta Compton
دکتر آیناز سامیر 1402/10/20 چهارشنبه 8
فائزه آذری Developing and Validating a Questionnaire Concerning EFL Teachers’ Perceptions on Online Classrooms at Schools: Merits and Demerits during COVID-19 Pandemic دکتر ضرغام قپانچی 1402/06/22 چهارشنبه 11
فرزانه کهربایی On the Relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ Willingness to Communicate and their Reading Comprehension Ability in Online Classrooms دکتر ضرغام قپانچی 1402/06/22 چهارشنبه 10
مسعود مرواریدی On The Effect of Iranian EFL Teachers’ Indirect Feedback on their Learners ‘State Anxiety and Speaking Ability in Online Classrooms دکتر خلیل مطلب زاده 1402/06/22 چهارشنبه 9
نرگس فتحیان Exploring the Iranian Translators' Strategies in Subtitling and Dubbing the Swearwords in Two Selected English Comedy Movies: Bad Boys and The Wolf of Wall Street دکتر آیناز سامیر 1402/06/22 چهارشنبه 8
علی عسکری Developing and Validating an Inventory on Iranian EFL TeachersCollegiality Using the Rasch Model دکتر مونا طباطبایی 1402/06/20 دوشنبه 11
محبوبه اکبری Development and Validation of an Inventory on Iranian EFL LearnersIntercultural Competence: A Mokken Scale Analysis دکتر مونا طباطبایی 1402/06/20 دوشنبه 10
فاطمه لیودانی On the Relationship between Iranian EFL Learners’ Fluid Intelligence and their Mental Lexicon دکتر مونا طباطبایی 1402/06/20 دوشنبه 9
فرناز شعرباف On the Relationship between Iranian EFL Learners’ Personality Traits and their Emo-Sensory Intelligence دکتر حمیدرضا کارگزاری 1402/06/13 دوشنبه 11
نگار نجّار On the relationship between Iranian EFL teacher's effectiveness and their classroom management orientation دکتر حمیدرضا کارگزاری 1402/06/13 دوشنبه 10
حمیده عبدی On the Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers’ Critical Thinking Ability and their Rate of Burnout in Online Classrooms دکتر حمید اشرف 1402/06/13 دوشنبه 9
فریده مروی مشهد On The Interrelationship between Iranian EFL Teachers Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence and Brain-Friendly Teaching دکتر مونا طباطبایی 1402/06/12 یکشنبه 10
نسرین دادور On the Relationship between Iranian EFL Learners' Perceptions of Fairness in Classroom Assessment and their Cognitive Test Anxiety دکتر مونا طباطبایی 1402/06/12 یکشنبه 9
زهرا رستگار مقدم

Social ethics in Margaret Atwood’s the handmaid's tale: A reading based on John Rawls’ A theory of justice

دکتر محمدرضا روحانی منش 1402/06/11 شنبه 10
مهدیه رجب پور

Self-actualization and Ideal Self: A psychoanalytic Reading of Henry James’s Daisy Miller and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter

دکتر محمدرضا ارغیانی


شنبه 9
فاطمه نریمانی A Gender_ Based Study of Strategies in Translating Metaphors from English to Persian in William Golding’s lord of the flies دکتر ارغیانی 8 اسفند دوشنبه 12
سیده سعیده طالعی A Comparison of the Persian and English Audio Descriptions: A Case study of Forrest Gump دکتر  کارگزاری  7  اسفند یکشنبه 13
مریم معلّمی Investigating the Iranian Translators’ Subtitling and Dubbing in Translation of Allusions in English Animated Movies دکتر سامیر  7  اسفند یکشنبه 12
زهرا صالح زهی The Effect of Online feedback via recast on Students’ Speaking in terms of Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency دکتر  کارگزاری 6  اسفند شنبه 9
الهام خانزاده An Investigation of the Strategies Applied in Classifying and Translating of Proper Nouns: A Case of the Persian Translation of the Qur’an for Adolescents and Youth دکتر امیری نژاد 4  اسفند پنج شنبه 12
مريم چوبداري Determining  The Personality and Cultural pattern of the Characters in the Sound And Fury in the Light of Thick Description Theory دكتر روحاني منش 27بهمن پنج شنبه 10
نجمه توانا رجب زاده A Symbolic Reading of Blindness by José Saramago and The Plague by Albert Camus's: A Subjective Point of View دكتر روحاني منش 27بهمن پنج شنبه 9
احسان رجبي On The Relationship between Iranian EFL Teacher’s Degree of Immunity and Their Teaching Reflection in Online Classrooms دكتر كارگزاري 24بهمن دو شنبه 10
مريم رنجبر On The Relationship between Iranian EFL Teacher’s self-directed Professional Development(SDPD)and Their Technology Readiness دكتر كارگزاري 24بهمن دو شنبه 9
زهرا رضايي برون Development and Variation of a Questionnaire to Assess Iranian EFL Learners’ Computational Thinking Theory دكتر كارگزاري 24بهمن دو شنبه 8
بهاره برادران توكلي Translation Quality assessment and Computer –assisted Translation دكتر داودي 23بهمن يكشنبه 10
مهلا باقريان Sociocultural Analysis of Postcolonial Consideration in Persian Translations of Gulliver’s Travels in Qajar Versus Post-Qajar Periods دكتر داودي 23بهمن يكشنبه 9
مهناز هدايتي On The Relationship between Iranian EFL Mobile Teaching Affordance and Their Burnout in Online Classrooms دكتر طباطبايي 19 بهمن چهارشنبه 10
زينب عابدي On The Relationship between Iranian EFL Learners’ Digital Literacy and Their willingness to Cooperate in Online Classrooms دكتر طباطبايي 19 بهمن چهارشنبه 9
زهرا بداغي On The Relationship between Iranian Intermediate EFL Learner’s Digital Literacy and Their Self- Directed Learning دكتر قپانچي 18 بهمن سه شنبه 11
مينا هامان On The Relationship between Iranian EFL Learners’ Emotional Intelligence and Their Language Learning Strategies in Online Classrooms; A Case of Gender دكتر كاظمي 16 بهمن يكشنبه 9
مرضيه صفاري On The Relationship between Iranian EFL High School’s Teachers’ Reflective Teaching and Their Teaching Styles دكتر كاظمي 16 بهمن يكشنبه 8
مهسا قاسمي A Jungian reading of Don DeLillo's White Noise and Bret Easton Ellis's American Psycho دكتر ارغياني 11 بهمن سه شنبه 10
نيوشا نقي پور Edward Said’s Orientalism: A postcolonial Reading of Ruth Ozeki’s My Year of Meats and A Tale for the Time Being دكتر روحاني منش 10 بهمن دو شنبه 10
عاطفه یگانه دوست On the Effect of Flipped Classroom on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension Strategies دکتر قپانچی 10 بهمن دو شنبه 9
هانیه محبی Doris Lessing’s The Cleft and Betty Friedan’s The Feminine دکتر داودی 10 بهمن دو شنبه 8

فائزه دهقان تفتي

Doris Lessing’s the Cleft and Betty Friedan’s the Feminine Mystique

دكتر روحاني منش

10 بهمن

چهار شنبه


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